Being seriously injured in an automobile accident can set a victim back financially for a long time to come. With the help of an experienced Auto Accident Lawyer in Port Orchard, a victim can recover the financial losses they suffered due to the carelessness of another individual. It’s important for a victim to focus on recovering from their injuries, getting the proper amount of rest, and lowering their stress level in order to heal. A lawyer can take care of the insurance telephone calls, and begin negotiating with the insurance company to replace damaged personal property and establishing a case against the negligent party.
Serious Injuries
Serious injuries from an automobile accident could include broken bones, internal injuries to vital organs, nerve damage, disfigurement, the loss of a limb, brain damage, and other catastrophic events. These types of injuries can result in a lifetime of medical treatment, the inability to be gainfully employed, and the loss of enjoyment in life. An Auto Accident Lawyer in Port Orchard will aggressively fight for a victim with these types of injuries, so the victim receives the compensation they deserve.
Wrongful Death
After a serious accident, a victim could pass away due to the injuries they received. A family member such as a parent, child, or spouse, could file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of their deceased loved one. The settlement could include the cost of funeral expenses, medical bills, loss of wages, pain, suffering, and loss of companionship.
The Insurance Company Will Not Be Helpful
Even when an insurance company knows their client was at fault in an automobile accident, they are never forthcoming in offering a fair settlement to a victim. They will attempt to gain as much information as they can about a victim to determine what amount of settlement a victim might accept. These amounts are usually less than a victim is entitled to, and that’s why it is so important to hire an attorney.
An auto accident attorney will not charge a victim a fee unless they win a settlement for the victim. The attorney will also provide a victim with a free consultation for a victim. The Otto Law Offices have years of experience successfully representing automobile accident victims.