Has the Time Come to Talk to a Divorce Lawyer in Villa Rica, GA?

by | Mar 16, 2016 | Divorce Lawyer

When those wedding vows were taken, both parties had every intention of remaining together for the rest of their lives. However, things not always turn out as expected and choosing to end the marriage sounds like an increasingly good idea. For anyone who is wondering if now is the right time to talk with a divorce lawyer in Villa Rica, GA, consider the following scenarios.

Living Separate Lives

While the couple is still under the same roof, they tend to go their own ways. Over time, each has developed a separate circle of friends. The couple no longer shares any of the same interests or even spends much time with one another. To some extent, the relationship has become more like roommates than a married couple. At this point, choosing to end the marriage would allow both parties to find someone who is more compatible.

Arguments on the Rise

Every couple will have disagreements from time to time, but lately it seems as if all the couple does is argue. Much of the contention is over minor issues that at one time did not bother either party. Rather than facing another round of yelling and screaming at one another, it may be time to talk to a divorce lawyer in Villa Rica, GA, and start making plans for lives away from one another.

Counseling Doesn’t Help

For the last six months, the couple has been in counseling. The hope was that therapy would help the couple get the relationship back on track. Instead, it has allowed both parties to realize that what they had is gone, and it isn’t coming back. While there is some sadness, both parties agree the marriage must end. To get things started, each party secures legal counsel and begins the task of working out an amicable split.

For anyone who believes that it is time to move on, click here and arrange for a consultation today. Doing so will be the first step toward initiating the divorce proceedings and leaving each party free to start a new life. After the first meeting, it will be easier to settle on the grounds and file those papers.

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