In Vermont, defendants who are facing domestic violence charges must review all connecting circumstances. These circumstances could generate additional charges and possible negative outcomes in connecting cases. It could present them with higher penalties that could lead to extensive prison sentences. The following is information about legal advice in Burlington VT that is provided to defendants facing these charges.
When a Protection Order is Issued
A protection order requires the defendant to follow specific requirements. They cannot visit the victim or contact them in any way. They may also be prohibited from visiting certain areas in which the victim may go frequently. They must remain a specific distance from the victim at all times. Any additional provisions addressed in the protection order must be followed as well. These provisions may include the consumption of alcohol, drug use, or other potentially dangerous activities.
Connecting Divorce Cases
If a divorce case is connected to the domestic violence case, there are further issues that could occur. If the defendant has an existing drug or alcohol problem, this issue could be used against them in a divorce case. It could lead to supervised visitation with their child. If the court deems them a serious risk to the child, it is possible that their spouse could terminate their rights to the child entirely.
Accumulating New Charges
If the defendant violates any terms of the protection order, they face additional charges. This includes trespassing as well as harassment. If they injury the victim again, they face additional domestic violence charges. These circumstances could lead to a conviction in which they spend years in prison.
Lowering More Risks
The defendant must also appear at all court dates scheduled for them. If they don’t, they could face the consequences of a bench warrant. This warrant is issued if they don’t appear in court and could lead to further charges.
In Vermont, defendants who are facing domestic violence charges must follow all provisions defined by the court. These cases can become complex and lead to the relocation of a victim. They could also require the defendant to live in another home away from the victim. Defendants who are facing these charges who need legal advice in Burlington VT can check out website today.