In today’s uncertain economic climate, more people than ever before are having trouble paying bills and putting food on the table. Being in debt can lead to a variety of problems. To get a new lease on life, it’s a good idea to visit a Chapter 13 lawyer in St. Petersburg FL.
The following suggestions help debtors get ready for an initial meeting with a bankruptcy attorney.
Before seeing a bankruptcy lawyer for the first time, ensure that all client forms are completely filled out. These forms can usually be downloaded from the attorney’s website. Fill out all requests for information. Keep in mind, your attorney needs to know the details of what led to problems with debt. If possible, return these forms at least a week before the initial visit.
There is no reason to be intimidated about your first meeting with a bankruptcy attorney. They want to help you and will give you information that allows you to decide if bankruptcy is the right option for you. There is no reason to be embarrassed about your situation or be intimidated by the idea of the initial consultation.
Being organized is essential for an initial visit to go smoothly. Have all documents organized and in the right folders. Folders should be labeled and in the correct order. The lawyer will likely send a list of documents he or she will need for the first visit. Bring as many of these documents as possible. Let the lawyer decide which ones are relevant to the case.
By using these tips, a person will have an easier time during the initial meeting. It will also save time and show the debtor’s willingness to help with the case. For information on bankruptcy services, please visit website. This law practice can handle Chapter 7, Chapter 13, and debt relief services to help clients have a better standard of living.