Only about 35% of applications for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) are approved by the administration. The agency has several reasons for denying so many claims. One reason for denial is determining that the applicant is still able to perform certain types of work. Social Security disability lawyers in Greensboro, NC help clients with the appeals process.
An Outdated List
The Washington Post reported in 2022 that the Social Security Administration sometimes denies claims while using an outdated list of occupations. That list includes sedentary unskilled jobs that some SSDI applicants technically would qualify for.
However, many of the occupations are obsolete or nearly so. This has happened because of automation, computerization, equipment updating and offshoring. The jobs that still exist have so few openings each year that being hired for a position is nearly impossible.
Social Security disability lawyers in Greensboro NC can help when someone’s application is denied in this situation. A person will probably be unable to find jobs in magnetic tape winding, envelope addressing and cutting clips from newspapers and magazines. Certain sedentary occupations requiring some level of skill have also disappeared or are in steep decline. Examples include data entry keying, typing and newspaper paste-up.
Refuting Misleading Information
A disability lawyer can provide information to the administration that shows how few of the suggested jobs are available. If the agents offer a job search website showing thousands of positions, the lawyer can explain why this is misleading. A search for data entry, for instance, turns up listings for occupations ranging from accounting technician to warehouse worker.
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