To Texas Veterans: Do You Need Help Getting Your VA Benefits?

by | Feb 25, 2020 | Lawyers

The United States has been providing help for injured veterans since the days of the Continental Congress. Today, our country has the world’s most extensive system of veteran support. Unfortunately, if you were injured during your service, it can be hard to access the benefits you need to manage in civilian life. Like any large bureaucracy, the VA often moves slowly and makes mistakes.

The Road to Your Benefits May Twist and Turn

Sometimes, it’s easy to show the VA that you were injured in the line of duty. An example would be losing a limb in battle. Other disabilities —PTSD, an illness from exposure to Agent Orange, even depression —are more difficult. It’s best to have a compassionate and professional guide you to help compile evidence, fill out forms, and go to court on your behalf.
A Veterans benefits lawyer for Texas should stay with you from start to finish of a process that can take months, or even years.

Begin with a Free Consultation

The Veterans Administration has ruled that you cannot pay a lawyer to help with your initial application. You can, however, talk to a lawyer who is willing to give you a free consultation. No matter what state you live in, you can call Jackson & MacNichol for outstanding legal help for veterans.

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