Child custody cases are difficult to pursue because they can cause so much emotion in everyone involved. It is important people are aware of the child custody laws in their state before they begin the process. With this information, people will know what they can expect from working with a Child custody attorney Thiensville WI and can learn more about the laws in the state of Wisconsin so they are properly prepared for their pursuit.
The state of Wisconsin presumes that it is in the interest of minor children if both parents share custody. This is preferred if both parents are healthy and mentally stable and able to provide a safe home for the child. In Wisconsin, joint custody means both parents share the custody and legal responsibility of their child. This means no parent has superior legal rights over the child. If a parent feels the other parent is not fit to share full custody, they will need to hire a child custody attorney in Thiensville, WI.
If a parent is attempting to gain sole custody of a child, they will be required to present ample evidence as to why the other parent is not considered fit. It is important to note the child’s wishes are taken into consideration through their Guardian ad Litem but a child is not allowed to make the decision on who they want to live with until they become emancipated at the age of eighteen.
A family law judge will make the determination on who is given custody of the child. This judge will also determine the child support order that will be put in place. Child support will be decided based on how much time one parent is given over the other. The non-custodial parent will likely be charged with providing some level of financial support, depending on how much time they are taking care of their child.
Those who are in a custody battle need to make sure they hire an attorney as soon as possible. For more information, visit Domain. This site will give people the information they need to make a sound decision on hiring an attorney.