When to Consult a Medical Bills Attorney

by | Aug 26, 2016 | Medical Malpractice

Any incident that results in a personal injury will immediately begin to incur medical bills. What may originally seem like a minor injury can quickly become more complicated, require further treatment, and raise the cost of bills. A small cut that requires a few stitches, for example, may appear to be straightforward. The insurance company covers those costs, and the case is closed. Problems can occur at a later date. If the cut becomes infected, if the stitches causes a large scar, or if nerve damage results, more medical attention will be required, which means more bills for higher amounts.

Injured parties are in pain, feeling stressed about losing time from work, and often settle with insurance companies for the current medical bill charges. Once a case is closed, or a settlement reached, it is almost impossible to receive further payment for damages or expenses. Consulting a Medical Bills Attorney as soon as an injury occurs will prevent any hasty decisions on the part of those injured. Experienced attorneys, like those at Daniel and Fontaine LLC, for example, will review the circumstances of the incident that resulted in the injury, and deal directly with insurance companies on behalf of their clients.

They will investigate the case and determine all responsible parties. A small cut suffered by a customer in a retail store, for example, may have been avoided altogether. That piece of shelving that was loose may have been reported by an employee, and never fixed. The shelf could have been stocked beyond the weight limit, which lead to the shelf splintering. The shelf itself may have been defective when it was purchased by the manufacturer. Attorneys consider all the contingencies in order to get maximum compensation for a personal injury.

It is easy to find a Medical Bills Attorney that will offer a free initial consultation to review the case. Some are available twenty-four hours a day, and will visit people at home or at hospital is necessary. Many will work on a contingency fee basis, which means there are no out of pocket expenses. Payment is made out of the sum of a settlement, or the awarded amount, if the case goes to court. If there is not settlement or award, there are no fees charged to the injured party by the attorney. You can also follow them on Twitter for regular updates.

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