FAQs About SSI Answered By A Social Security Law Firm

by | Nov 18, 2016 | thelegalopedia

In Oklahoma, supplemental security income is provided for individuals with existing mental or physical disabilities. These conditions prevent the applicant from becoming employed due to incapacitation or sudden debilitation. The following are FAQs about SSI answered by a Social Security Law Firm.

Are Disabled Individuals Allowed to Work and Receive SSI?

Yes, individuals who receive SSI are allowed to work. However, they cannot acquire an income that exceeds the total income level associated with their household. For example, a married couple that has three children can earn up to $3,000, and the disabled party can continue to receive benefits. The Social Security Administration reviews their income each month to determine their eligibility. Any income level that exceeds this value leads to a reduction in benefits.

How Does Vocational Rehabilitation Work?

Vocational rehabilitation is a program in which disabled individuals acquire skills that could help them become employed. These programs provide them with preparation for the interview process and options for identifying positions they could acquire based on their condition. These programs also provide them with disability benefits while they attend programs to increase their earning capacity.

Can Beneficiaries Acquire Assistance While Attending College?

Yes, the vocational rehabilitation program provides disabled individuals with financial assistance while they attend college. These benefits cover a majority of the cost of tuition requirements based on the applicant’s needs. The caseworker assigned to the claim helps the applicant determine the value of benefits available to them.

What Do Compassionate Allowances Involve?

A compassionate allowance is an expedited claim to provide the applicant with benefits quickly. The approval is based on the obvious eligibility of the claim due to the identified condition. For example, applicants with terminal cancer acquire compassionate allowances.

Who is Allowed to Become a Representative Payee?

A spouse, parent, or adult child has the legal right to become a representative payee for a beneficiary.

In Oklahoma, supplemental security income provides monthly payments to individuals who possess disabilities. These disabilities lower the individual’s ability to support themselves financially. The value of the payments is based on all incoming earnings for their entire household. Applicants who need assistance under Social Security Law Firm visit website.com today.

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