If you are injured while performing your job or you become ill as a result of the work you do, you may be able to claim workers compensation benefits. Although it does not happen in every case, there are many cases which are perfectly legitimate that are denied by the employer or the employer’s insurer. Should this happen the injured worker is faced with a complex system of appeals, many simply give up the fight, the smart ones hire Chicago workers compensation lawyers to fight on their behalf.
Even if your employer does not deny your claim, the insurance company is liable to. Fortunately, a qualified workers comp lawyer can change the situation to where it favors you.
Developing evidence:
Probably the most common reason for denial of workers comp claims in insufficient medical evidence. An attorney is well aware of this, he or she can gather supporting medical records, suggest that you are treated by certain doctors and get professional opinions from members of the medical community.
It is not just supporting medical evidence, testimony from vocational experts can support your claim that your work is now beyond you capabilities. The same is true for co-workers, your attorney can often gather information that shows the company has a poor record when it comes to safety at work and the training programs are lacking.
Negotiating a settlement:
Chicago workers compensation lawyers are aware of all the tactics used by insurance companies, they range from offers well below what they should be to offers they have no intention of following through with. Lawyers, as a result of their experience, also know the value of a claim; your lawyer will base the claim on such issues as whether the injury is permanent, your wages and the cost of future medical care.
If it is not possible to reach an equitable settlement, your lawyers will take the case to trial in the presence of a workers compensation judge where evidence, witnesses as well as medical and vocational experts will be called to support your claim.
If you have been injured while on the job, you may be eligible for workers compensation. If your application is denied you should consider hiring Chicago workers compensation lawyers. You are invited to consult with the Shea Law Group at www.shealawgroup.com.