Is It Possible to Beat a Speeding Ticket by Hiring a Traffic Law Attorney in Fayetteville NC?

by | Aug 21, 2020 | Lawyers

Traffic tickets are the written more than any other type of ticket and are written many times a day. A simple speeding ticket can end up costing a few hundred dollars. Instead of just accepting this and paying it, which is seen as a guilty plea and admitting they broke the law, the person will want to contact a Traffic Law Attorney Speeding Ticket Fayetteville NC for help.

Officers routinely use radar guns to determine a person’s speed and to use as the basis for writing a ticket. These can be incredibly accurate but often aren’t. They need to be calibrated routinely and properly, and many times this is not what actually occurs. When the person’s given a ticket based on the reading from a radar gun, an attorney might be able to successfully argue in court that the radar gun was not properly calibrated and, therefore, not a good indication of the person’s speed. Without evidence the person was speeding, the lawyer may be able to have the ticket dismissed altogether. The person will not have to admit to speeding, plead guilty, or pay the ticket.

There are other ways to avoid having to pay a speeding ticket as well, but they do involve going to court and in front of a judge. It’s never a good idea for a person to do this on their own. It’s not something they do every day, so they do not know all of their rights and might not know what to do if something is different from what they prepared for. Instead, they will want to hire an attorney who will be well prepared and familiar with the local traffic court to help them determine a way to get out of the ticket and to avoid paying a huge fine. They can also help the person avoid points on their license which, if they receive multiple tickets, can add up and lead to a suspended license.

If you’ve received a traffic ticket, you may not have to pay it. Talk to a Traffic Law Attorney Speeding Ticket Fayetteville NC today to learn more about your options and about the likelihood you’ll be able to have the ticket dismissed.

For more information visit Beaver Courie Attorneys at Law

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