You Might Be Able to Avoid a Complete License Revocation with a Traffic Violations Lawyer in Mankato, MN

by | Jul 13, 2017 | Lawyers

In Minnesota, drivers do not have to worry about points like they do in other states. However, this doesn’t mean their license cannot be suspended or revoked for certain issues. There is always the chance that a traffic violation can lead to serious penalties like a suspension, where they can drive again once the suspension is lifted, or a revocation, where they are not allowed to drive again.

What Can Cause a Revoked License?

A license can be revoked if the person is considered an unsafe driver. This might be due to too many accidents or too many traffic violations in a brief period of time or due to one serious traffic violation. A serious traffic violation might include driving over 100 miles per hour or driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Can a Lawyer Prevent a Revoked License?

A person who has received a traffic violation will want to speak with a traffic violations lawyer in Mankato, MN to determine what their options are and what the possible penalties are. If there is a chance the person’s license will be revoked, the lawyer will discuss possible defenses and what can be done to prevent this outcome where possible.

What If the License Is Revoked Anyways?

Despite the lawyer’s efforts, there is still a chance the license will be revoked. If this happens, it means the person can no longer drive a motor vehicle. However, the lawyer may be able to help them obtain a hardship license.

What Is a Hardship License?

If a person’s license is revoked and it will cause them an undue hardship, they might apply for a hardship license. This is a license with significant restrictions placed on it so they cannot just drive where and when they want. They might be able to drive to and from school, work, or rehabilitation programs and drive dependents when it’s required.

Those who receive a traffic violation for any reason will want to make sure they get the advice and help they need to avoid a revoked license if at all possible. Anyone who has received a traffic violation can contact a traffic violations lawyer in Mankato, MN to learn more about their situation and what possible penalties might be. Visit now to learn more.

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