Problems at work are very upsetting to an employee. Understanding your rights is important. A lawyer can discuss Employment Law Northampton MA issues with any employee that feel they are or have been treated poorly by an employment. Employment law encompasses, discrimination, union activity, retaliation, wage and hour issues, wrongful termination and sexual harassment to name just a few. Often times, employees may feel that something isn’t quite right but are unable to believe an employer may have done something illegal due to the law. The unfortunate fact is, terrible things do happen to innocent employees at the hands of their employer and an employee should be vigilant about filing a case against the wrongdoings.
Retaliation is much more common than many workers may know. Once an employee addresses a concern of illegal things being done to a government agency or to the company’s executives, there’s a very good chance for retaliation. This could involve being excluded from meetings, raises or having job responsibilities removed and being demoted. In addition, an individual may be terminated from their employment with another reason stated that may not even be true. It’s very important to keep copies of all performance review and any correspondence about work performance. Whistleblower claims are protected from retaliation from an employer. If an employer is committing illegal acts that are reported by an employee, they are not permitted to retaliate against the employee whether or not the claim is valid.
An attorney can review the employment law in Northampton, MA as well as the facts of the case. If they feel an employee’s rights have been violated, they may recommend filing a case against the employer. An employee should keep very detailed records away from their place of employment of events that occur. The employee should never discuss their case with any of their coworkers, boss or individuals from management. An employee should never quit their job due to retaliation claims or sexual harassment issues. Quitting a job could jeopardize an employee’s case. It would be nice for employees to believe their company will do the correct and legal thing, but this often isn’t the case.
For more information about employment law, please feel free to visit us website.