Why You Need to Hire an SSI Lawyer to Help With Your Claim in Stockton, CA

by | Oct 26, 2023 | Lawyer

If you are about to file a claim for SSI and think that you can simply go it alone through the entire process, then you might want to think again. The procedure can be very complex and even intimidating at times. Therefore, it is practically necessary to hire SSI lawyers in Stockton, CA.

Filling Out The Application

When you hire an attorney, you will not even have to fill out the application on your own. The lawyer can do it on your behalf. They will just ask you the questions so that they can input the correct answer. By doing it this way, you are assured that no errors will be made by you. All required fields will be filled out, and the necessary forms will be submitted by the due date.

Contingency Fees

Most SSI attorneys will not charge you if your claim is not approved. This benefits you greatly because you know that the lawyer will be working as hard as possible since they only get paid if you do. If the claim is not approved by Social Security, then you are not required to pay the attorney anything.

Gathering Evidence

It will be important for you to provide medical records proving that you have a concrete need to be placed on the SSI program. Failure to do so will result in certain rejection. Since this can be quite time-consuming, it is much more convenient if you allow the SSI lawyers in Stockton, CA to gather the evidence for you.

If you are in need of an experienced and reliable attorney to help with your claim, please contact Peña & Bromberg.

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