When you purchase a lemon vehicle and it feels like the dealership and the manufacturer are unwilling to do anything to compensate you for your expenses, it can feel frustrating. It is worse yet when you are getting a bill in the mail every single month for a car payment for a vehicle that does not work. When you are in this circumstance, it is understandable that you would want to speak to an Ohio Lemon Law attorney.
Because of the frustration the situation has caused you, you likely want the offending party to pay. And you want them to pay through the nose. However, a good Ohio Lemon Law attorney is going to help you have reasonable expectations of what the outcome of the case will be.
An unscrupulous attorney might make hyped promises. They might tell you that you are going to get a ton of money for the case after only talking to you for a minute or two. No good Lemon Law attorney will ever make unfounded promises, especially if they have not had the opportunity to thoroughly review and investigate your case. This means that they will need to research the history of the vehicle and get all the facts down in writing before telling you what they can do for you.
Learn more about Lemon Laws and see how Krohn & Moss, Ltd. Consumer Law Center® can help you by providing effective legal representation at an affordable cost when you visit their website.